sattyre's patch and esp Replacer Collection (2025)

I find that I have a growing list of patches and fixed esp replacers for Multiple mods that I would rather get uploaded to the original mod pages, but due to mods being abandoned or the authors just being disinterested, they are cluttering up my Mega account. If you are a mod author of one of these mods and wish me to take it down, just pm me. Alternatively, I would be happy to have the original authors/Porters take possession of these patches/replacers. I don't need any credits, but I would like to know so I can then take them down from this page.

All esp's that have the esl flag have been checked in Xedit to see if they are eligable and have been flagged only after the appropriate measures have been taken. Only a very few have required compacting.

Fixed replacer esps
Babes of Skyrim v2 had an issue with 2 race records giving males black face. This has been corrected. There is also a corrected version edited for USSEP.
Babes of Skyrim v2 3DNPC patch was missing 3DNPC.esp as a master, resulting in broken links, critical errors and duplicated NPCs. This has been fixed and all links and errors are fixed.

ClefJ Morthal - 3DNPC fixed lean marker. just a slightly modified version of ra2phoenix's patch so Ingarte isn't leaning 1/2 way into the wall. espfe

Racial Body Morphs 2.1 These are now obsolete since OnHolyServiceBound released Racial Body Morphs Redux SSE AE - FKDRS - Diverse body types and height by Race and Gender. You should go there instead. Same esps but now with redone meshes. I will be removing them when next I update. I also tweaked his extreme Imperious Patch to work with the new extreme esp. It has Both as masters so can't be used as a replacer esp. The other two patches will work just as they are, though I do suggest you add RBM as a master so LOOT sorts it correctly. All three can be used as replacer esps for any version of RBM. The assets will still be required.

The Great City of Solitude.esp I now recommend you use Rob's Bug Fixes - TGC Solitude as it is a more comprehensive and complete, bug fix. Fixes the Dainty Sload quest by unburying the Chest in the water and fixes the waterflow records. Thanks to TitanSubZero15 for the Dainty Sload fix.

The Great City of Solitude Tree patch.esp Removes some of the blocking trees from the base game and USSEP. Flagged as an esl Needs to be placed after Immersive Citizens - AI.esp and/or any of the Skyrim Better Roads esps, so they don't reintroduce the trees. It is best to add those as masters if you use them so loot will sort it properly.

Unique Region Names v1.1.0 This is a replacer esp with the water records from Water for ENB v1.65. I had troubles getting the two mods to play nice when creating an occlusion.esp. I would only get some records from one and some from the other but not both. I placed this esp last, just before Dyndolod when creating occlusion. I then moved it back to it's normal spot and everything worked.

Inhabitants of Skyrim = NPC Overhaul SE version 1 (style 1) This is a replacer esp that simply forwards USSEP edits into the esp. The original was missing a bunch of edits for some reason. This esp simply forwards all edits to all the NPCs. This is an esp only and requires the original mod. (Main Files, Style 1)

DG Leather Clothes and Jewelry by Petrovich Ported to SE using a combination of Nif-Optimizer SE, Cathedral Assets Optimizer, and the Creation Kit in that order. Originally made for UNP's Dream Girl body, it now includes Bodyslides for CBBE (Physics) Thank you Petrovich for your Open Perms. I added in Petrovich's jewelry and tweaked it a bit. All assets are from the original mods. You may also find it ported by docteure here

SKYKLFs Whiterun Enhancer esp replacer for SKYKLFs WHITERUN ENHANCER (CASTLE VERSION 3.0) Downgraded CK version to 1.70 and removed the ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm master so it works with Skyrim version 1.5.97. Cleaned with Xedit and fixed the navmesh with the Undelete Navmesh Tool and Resaved in the CK to update Navmesh.
I exported the facegen forSKYKLFs Whiterun Enhancer to fix the black faces.

SKYKLF - IMMERSIVE CITIZENS rebuilt from scratch and will work with any version of skyrim.

Patches created by me for various mods. Winterhold Bathhouse Sign Fix. The Winterhold bathhouse sign has alway said Deadman's Drink for me and it finally irritated me enough to fix it. The problem seems to be that the actual sign nif wasn't packaged into the assets and therefore disrupted how the game read the sign. Anything that overwrites thesigndeadmansdrink01.nif will revert the sign. SMIM users need to load the patch after SMIM

Winterhold Bathhouse - Anna's Winterhold patch This is the same patch as the one at Winterhold Bathouse but it also has the Bathouse sign fix incorporated into it.

Weighted or Weightless Arrows and Bolts. It has come to my attention that arrow and bolt weights are all treated differently. Some have weight and some do not, it really depends on which DLC it comes from. To me this is just wrong. Arrows and Bolts should be treated equally through-out the game. Either they all have weight, or none of them have weight. So I set about to correct this with 2 new esps, weighted arrows and Bolts.esp (NO longer needed) and weightless arrows and Bolts.esp, both are flagged espfe. All arrows from the base game, including the AEupdated arrows, have been adjusted accordingly.
DIE - RAV - Prisoner's Clothes (CBBE Physics) for Zhalroth's DIE - RAV - Prisoner's Clothes (BHUNP Bodyslide) Just some CBBE Physics bodyslide files for those who use CBBE rather then BHUNP

Lupinus - Nightmare Night patch created to make some of xBasilius Lupinus' - Werewolf Tweaks v1.2 work with Scrabx3's Nightmare Night Werebeasts v2.1.1.0 mod. Namely, it scatters some extra werewolves around skyrim as well as well as introduces the Lupinus disease. Most of the Lupinus mod was disabled for compatability or patched so NNW records are applied instead. This patch hasn't been tested as of this posting. If there are issues, please let me know. Load order shouldn't matter.

Feed the Beast - Nightmare Night patch. A patch to make Feed the Beast (by Ramonfg95) only affect the Vampires of the game. All werebeast records are either deleted or use Scrabx3's Nightmare Night.esp records. Made so you get all the benefits of Feed the Beast for Vampires, but not werebeasts. This patch assumes you use Nightmare Night - Werebeasts Unleashed for werebeasts as it's records were forwarded into the patch. Load order shouldn't matter.

River Rock Village - Aspens Ablaze patch. A simple patch to make River Rock Village play nicely with Aspens Ablaze.

-A patch for Pandorable's Lethal Ladies or the Small AIO and Kryptopyr's Nightingale Hall Restored - Karliah as a Follower mod.

-3 way Better Skills and Quest Book Names - Book Covers of Skyrim - The Choice is Yours patch, espfe

-Maids 2 Deception and Interesting NPCs patch -

SMSkyrim - 3DNPC Patch.espfe. This is the original patch fixed and flagged esl
-Maids 2 Deception. 3 patches. 1 for Cutting Room Floor, 1 for Realistic Water 2 and 1 is a general over-ride patch that would be duplicated if you use a smashed patch.

-2 replacers and 2 Immersive Citizen-AI Overhaul patches for Kriemen's Riverwood Experimental mod. You can find Kriemen's Mods Here. The KRWBlubbo.esp requires Blubbo's Riverwood as well. Unfortunately Blubbo's Riverwood mod is not currently available, but I will leave this here in case he reposts his mods at some point.


RS Children Lore Friendly Heights for Racial Body Morphs. Just a height tweak to the child races to conform to RBM's heights. RBM is not a master file.
-TKAA Renewal Children Lore Friendly Heights for Racial Body Morphs. Just a height tweak to the child races to conform to RBM's heights. RBM is not a master file. Requires The Kids are Alright Renewal
-Update's Frostfall Keywords esl SE Ancient Nord Armory Extreme spews errors if you don't use frostfall. Frostfall is not a master, but Ancient Nord Armory still looks for the keywords for frostfall. This little esp will give it the keywords it requires and stops it from spewing errors. Because the only requirement is Update.esm, these keywords can be copied directly into the Ancient Nord Armory Extreme in xedit. Simply highlight the Keywords tab and click Deep copy as overide and check the Ancient Nord Armory mod. click the X in the top right corner to exit. make sure Ancient Nord Armory is checked. click OK. As of version 2.0 of ANAE, this should no longer be required.

-Alternative Perspective v2.3.1 and now ver 3.0.3 NPC patches. There are three patches all made for the 2.3.1 or 3.0.3 version of AP and Northborne's Falkreath NPCs v1.3 as well as RS Children 1.1.3 They are now available at the Alternative Perspetive page.
-Immersive World Encounters v3.5Alpha to v3.6.1 - USSEP Patch. Just patches IWE for USSEP. No update required for v3.6.1


Radiant-Quests are in Skyrim patch based originally from Tactical Valtheim radiant blocker to make them compatible.

-Unlimited Bookshelves - WACCF patch, now available in Kryptopyr's Patch Hub. -Unlimited bookshelves 2.0 - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes 2.5 patch. eslfe Just patches the bounds and some keywords from unlimited Bookshelves to the appropriate records in WACCF.

Silvered Weapons Requires Idrinth's Tweaks - Silvered Weapons. This is just the Results of running Idrinth's Tweaks - Silvered Weapons with only the base game WACCF, Complete Crafting remastered, and USSEP as well as Katana Crafting. No CC or AE content, so it is ok with 1.5.97, but will work with any version of the game. There is now a version with only the Original Base Game and DLC as Masters. Choose what version and only use one since the .7z contains only Bow, melee, Edged or all variants. The Bow variant doesn't have a __DISTR.txt.

Argonian Male head model. If you've ever tried to put a helmet on an Argonian in outfit studio, you'll know the vanilla head model is out of place and you'll find your helmet floating at your feet. This is the vanilla model with it's position tweaked so you can simply put the helmet on it's head and be very close to where it's supposed to be. It was as close as I could get it when applying helmets. This is mostly here in case I ever need it again, but maybe somebody else will find a use for it.

Mixwater Mods can be found here. It is the new home for the mods of Kriemen and Lierin

Other mods by sattyre:

Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE
Dibella's Shrine Statue FixThe Provincial Rube Armor
Slave Rags
Custom Armors for NPCssattyre's patch and esp replacer collection
Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch - USMP Patch Emporium
Various Mystic Condensor PatchesTharash Dol - Orc Stronghold and Player Home
Paarthurnax Choices plus3
Hi-Resgar - High Hrothgar in HD
RDO - Infinite Gold for Merchants Patch
Merging NPC Overhauls made easy.A Novice Guide to Modding
TM Thalmor Overhaul SSEAnother Whiterun Patch SE
College Students SE
Whiterun house foundations

sattyre's patch and esp Replacer Collection (2025)


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.